About Online Artwork Sales

Viarupa's mission is to support artists who have just started selling their works and to expand the audience for well-known artists can reach. In this century of almost unlimited connections, we offer artists the opportunity to independently exhibit their works without seeking special representation or worrying about not being accepted. Artists who keep their options open and consider all possibilities to sell their works have the chance to join this highly interactive audience network and sell their works.


Viarupa Doesn’t Limit You

Accepting exclusive representation from a single online sales platform and/or gallery can have significant drawbacks. While this is not a negative experience, it is important for artists to consider the potential disadvantages. We especially recommend artists who are just starting to show themselves to consider the following:

  • Limited Presentation
    Accepting a single exclusive representation can limit your reachability and potential to reach a wider audience. Other galleries, museums, fairs or art events may be interested in exhibiting your work, but the exclusive representation agreement you sign may prevent you from exploring these new and exciting opportunities. This limitation can hinder your career advancement and limit your ability to connect with diverse, global audiences. Moreover;


  • SEO Loss
    Many artists reject conditions that allow for a single representation. Because it’s binding, artists may have to delete their online accounts at other work sales platforms. When you remove your artwork and pages, they will not appear any more in Google searches and it can take years to rebuild your SEO and Google index. Offering your works for sale on Viarupa and staying online is both a short and long-term investment. Viarupa invests in the most effective marketing and promotional activities on your behalf to bring your works to a significant audience and buyers.


  • Dependency on a Single Entity
    Relying on a single gallery for representation means that your success depends heavily on the gallery's performance, reputation, and sales. If the gallery fails to meet expectations, struggles financially, or closes down, your career may suffer as a result. Diversifying representation across multiple galleries and/or sales platforms can reduce this risk and ensure your long-term success.


  • Restrictive Terms and Conditions
    Exclusive representation agreements often include specific terms and conditions that artists must abide by. These terms may include certain (often high) commission rates, control over pricing, periods of autonomy, and limitations on marketing and personal promotion, among other restrictions. You should review and negotiate these terms to ensure they are compatible with your artistic vision and personal interests.


  • Lack of Flexibility
    Exclusive representation often involves long-term engagement; This may limit your ability to adapt to changing conditions or take advantage of new opportunities as they arise. For example, if your style or artistic vision evolves significantly, you may want to explore different avenues or work with other galleries that specialize in your new approach. An exclusive agreement with a single gallery may limit your ability to do this.